Sunday, April 17, 2011


I am a mess.  I have girly problems and other issues. I have been eating right but I have not worked out since Thursday.  My weight is still at 204.  I have no interest in working out tonight.

Okay this is TMI – be warned (Its that bad)  So first its that time of the month, insert the bloating, crapping and mood swings.  Then its was the first full week of eating clean nothing processed and now I am constipated.  I went to the nutrition shop and tried their detox pill.  Yeah it made me very tense but I don’t feel I have detoxed at all as of day 3.

So now its 830pm on a Sunday, after a cold raining weekend (actually I think its snowing).  I need to go workout.  If nothing else, I need to get on that damn treadmill and run.  Saturday I am running a 5K.  I have not ran since last Sunday. 

Like I said I am a mess. a mess lacking motivation


Sarah said...

Hopefully that running will help get things moving, so to speak.. if not, I usually notice a hot shower and massaging your lower belly will help get things moving too..

and that's definitely not TMI.. it's par for the course, I think.. :)

alisonds said...

Oh no - I think we all have weeks like that. I did last week, and can assure you I did not start my sugar detox until I was 100% back in a normal mood again! Ha! I think you have to just keep going, do what you can and pick things up again when you feel more human! Good luck for the 5k! x