Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Everything happens for a reason…

Yeah that’s a hard pill to swallow some days.  Its a lot easier to hand out that advice then take.   My stress is at a max, I am stressed about my 10K on Sunday, I have had allergy issues that makes me feel like a sinus infection and now my babysitter gave me notice.  So I am calling people to find openings for a 2year old and before and aftercare in my district.   

Right now I am looking at my son going to his first day of kindergarten and my daughter going to a new daycare a day apart.  Oh and that week my husband has to have a procedure.  Thank god we are going away soon.  I need the break. 

This week my trainer introduced me to some people and he told them “Kristen has lost almost 100 pounds.”  In this journey I am at 84 pounds that’s not almost 100 pounds – well according to my inter –accountant.   But it got me to thinking…

In Feb 2007 I had an scary moment on a WW scale – it read 273.  That year I got down to 243 before gaining 10 pounds back at the holidays.  2008 saw me lose 50 pounds getting down to 201 before getting pregnant.  In 2009 I saw 280 the day I  delievered, at one point I got down to 249 before gaining again.  So January 2010 I was at 263.

I have always counted my weight loss from the restart of my journey on January 2010 (263.8), but maybe I should go from 273.  Really I have lost almost 100. 

What do you think?  What would or do you use?  I have updated my sidebar to show both, for now.


Baby Weight and Beyond said...

Wow! I can't imagine your stress level! It is so hard finding good child care!

I would use both numbers!

Kelly said...

I'm sorry about your stress level - hang in there! And I would absolutely count your weight loss from your highest weight of 273.

Karen@WaistingTime said...

Either is a great accomplishment:) Own it! Or not. Whatever feels right and good to you is the answer.