OMG I am dead tired tonight! Finally my 10K run was here! After all the stress of this week and lack of running this week, today was the day! My husband went with me (my mom and sisters watched the kids!). I really didn’t know what to expect but I knew I had to do my best.
All week I had been talking to Jennifer because this was her first 10K too! It was very exciting!
Here is our prerace photo!

Jennifer was so kind to point out that we get metals. I have never earned a metal or a trophy or anything like that! I was so excited!
Here is my official prerace photo!

The event was held about 10miles from my house! The 188 10K runners started with the half marathoners! Around mile 5 they split off to the little city of Sherrill before coming back to the casino that was putting on the event.

The first mile was basically on the grounds of the casino, then mile 2 was on a typical country road that I would run at home. The next two miles were on a main road uphill. I was really proud of myself. I only had to stop twice to walk the hill. I walked for less than 20 seconds each time – I just needed to regroup.
After that it was a nice down hill run to the golf course where there was finally a second water table. The best part was knowing that I was over 1/2 way and I could see the casino! Most of the remaining course was flat but that last mile seemed to go on forever. I heard from several people with racing watches that they clocked us at 6.6 miles not 6.2. The final stretch of the road was up another steep hill. that killed me. I was so tired and sore. I again had to walk twice. Finally on the grounds of the casino I pushed forward and gave it everything I had to finish with a decent time.

I didn’t have a watch so I really wasn’t sure what I was doing time wise. They had a clock at the 1 mile mark that said it took me 10:10. Then again at mile 3 was a clock showing 31:13. So I was off my 5K pace.
Also a funny thing happened to me.. at the 2mile marker I could feel a blister forming on my left foot. WTF these sneakers have over 30 miles on them and a mountain climb. They didn’t have another clock until the 5mile mark that showed 52mins and some odd seconds. That really surprised me I really thought I was going to be over an hour at that point. My goal was to finish between 70-80 minutes.

check out that time! it only took me 8 minutes! ha ha just kidding my official stats!
I placed 104th overall
58th among the 121 Females
16/39 in my division.
My official time was 1:08:00
With a pace of 10:57 per mile!
I am so excited that I finished with such a great time! Seriously it couldn’t of been any better. I am so excited and tired!! lol
Here is Jennifer and I after the race! Sweaty and happy with our Medals! Great job!!! yeah us!

They had bagels and fruit for after the race! I was so hungry. I had 1/2 a bagel with Peanut butter ( I know I know – but I had to have it!) and a banana. then I got home and ate some chips thing in my goodie bag. Omg by the time lunch came around I only had 80 calories left for the day.
I was just tired and snacky. So today may not be a day I lose weight but today was a day that increased my fitness and over all health! I am so excited to earn a metal! I have it hanging over my fireplace right now!

I used this experience on my motivational blog at check it out if you want. I a great story about a kid puking too! lol