Monday, June 27, 2011


Okay okay I know a few posts ago I was talking trash that the BMI charts are total BS. and you know what I still think they are. BUT..

the fact is the BMI data is what drives the stupid ass stats we hear on the news ( well that’s not really true because its not like on the census we had to put our weight its really a best guess estimate by some really smart people at adding but not smart enough to come up with new Non BS charts. okay rant over).

None the less if you heard a stat tonight on the news about obesity its not me!  With todays weigh in I am officially an overweight Mama!

I lost 2.6 this week!!! It puts me at 80.4 pounds lost!

19.4 pounds in 8 weeks

That's over 30% of me gone!!


Needless to say I am so very happy!  I was hoping to weigh in less then the hubby! but the bastard lost 3 pounds. So I am still 3 pounds away from him darn it.  The day will come the day will come!!!

I would love to write more. I thought so many things today at work but I am so tired.  So I am going to wrap this one up! but here is cute photo of my family at my sons preschool graduation last week.


Have a great one!


Karen@WaistingTime said...

You look amazing! Love that photo. And kudos to you:)

Amy @ Findingfitme said...

Congrats. You must be tall. I'm 5'4" and I have to reach 174 to be in the overweight BMI, not obese.

Hubby and I are the same weight too. I was at one point a pound below him. I want him to step on the scale to see where he is.

Hyla said...

You look awesome in the picture! Congratulations!

Mrs. S. said...

That's a great loss! And adorable family. =)

alisonds said...

Wow! Look at the difference in your face! you look amazing! x