Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new weigh in day???

I need to change my weigh in day.  waiting till Friday sucks because I am not honest on the weekend. I spend all week undoing what I did on Saturday and Sunday.  Now I am still up today.  WTF.  why am I having so much trouble again?


Girly Girl: Losing the Gut said...

Hang in there! It is not easy every day and some days are easier than others. If you're having a hard time try and pinpoint what is making you make poor choices? Sometimes outlining what has been going on in my life and making a plan helps me get back on track! Good luck! You can do this!!

Shabby Chic Mom said...

I just changed my weigh in day from Monday to Fridays because of not being "so good" on the weekends and seeing the small, tiny loss was frustrating. This Friday is my first weigh in on the new day, and so far Monday thru now I've been doing really well, so here's hoping.
I think we all just need to find a day that works best for us and our lifestyle!

alisonds said...

I do a Sunday for me (because that's the day I chose to start my weight loss plan) and Thursday we do our weigh in at work for our team challenge. having 2 means I have to watch what I do all week - although both weigh ins are different I'm still losing on both each week (Thursdays are always a little higher than Sundays though!)

Unknown said...

Girly Girl is right. Maybe just jot things down and see what's going on (stress? fatigue? anxiety?) and pinpoint the trouble. Once you have it figured out that will help big time. Post about it if you need help :)