Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yo Adrienne!

yesterday my trainer decided to become Mikey Goldmill and hold a Rocky bootcamp..complete with the music from the movie!  Omg I don’t know how the boxers do it. it was so much arm and shoulder movements.  here was the breakdown of the workout:

Station 1: KB High swing – Squatting under a rope like we were dodging a punch

Station 2: TRX squat jumps – Tricep pushup

Station 3: Cherry pickers – jabs with 3 pound weights

Station 4; Star squat jumps – Star Mountain climbs

Station 5: Burpees – push ups

It was 30 second of the first exercise and then 30 seconds of the 2nd then we had a 30 second rest.  we did 2 rounds at each station then rotated (rotation allowed no extra time beyond the 30 second rest).  Seriously I wanted to puke by the time I got to the mountain climbs.  I could hardly breath after the 1st round of burpees.  I was so happy it was over!  my HRM showed 784 calories burned.   For a finisher we did an ab workout.

Today was all strength training – it sucked with the knots in my shoulders.  but I still burn a good 500 calories (have mentioned that I love my HRM?)  I am hoping to feel better tomorrow I spent extra time on the foam roll.  My food intake has been good and my water consumption.  I am hoping to maintain the water consumption levels all week and weekend.

well have a great night everyone!


Baby Weight and Beyond said...

Wow....I could never have made that! Great work!

Jennifer said...

That sounds tough. You are doing great! I cant wait to get into a program like that. When I am done with Medifast I will!


Shabby Chic Mom said...

Way to keep up the great work you've been doing!!! You are so close to onederland!! COngrats!