Sunday, August 15, 2010

Morning push

My offical weigh in this week (I use works numbers) was 227.4;  I am down 36 pounds for the year

This week i realized that I still have 16 pounds to go before i reach the weight i was when i got pregnant with Emma.  I actually thought i was 220 when i got pregnant but i was 211.  I will get there this is quiet a journey i am on.  Come back from vacation and working out again has been intense.  Last week was all core work.  This week was all arm strength with crazy cardio.  Our happy hour friday work out was a ladder that contained burpies.  I am very sore this morning, but thats good!  I will not get to workout till tonight, we have a birthday party today.  I have to be good there is only 1.5 weeks left in the MVBW competition. 

I made an interesting breakfast this morning.  I just can not eat eggs anymore on my no carb days.  So i am having a protein drink made with Prograde protein, skim milk, blueberries and coffee.  Mix all, stir and drink!  Its my version of iced coffee from DD!

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