Do people still read blogs?
Social media has exploded. I miss blogging. I miss this outlet of my feelings and emotions without totally feeling exposed. If on IG or FB I post how I am feeling, it hits your newsfeed or fortou page on TT. I the blog sphere people had to come to your blog for an update. They maybe interested for either positive or negative reason, but they still choose. It's not like I am forcing them to see it.
Social media "relationships" are odd. I have made really good friendships with strangers. Which is great. But there is also the problem of I have that pressure to folow/friend people bc we are related, work together, .... when I am revealing my sole I don't always want them to see it. If they stumble on it, that's fine. It just doesn't need to come up automatically for them.
So the short of this rambling
I feel like I need to start blogging again for me